PLS Online Store 榮獲香港零售管理協會頒發的「Quality E-Shop 優網店」認證(認證編號:202401032)



⾹港零售管理協會 (HKRMA) 於 2017 年推出的「優質網店認證計劃」,為零售網店提供全⾯客觀的評估,涵蓋不同深度及闊度的評審準則。


  • 釐定認可的優質網店指標,助零售商發展網上零售業務
  • 認證優質的購物網站
  • 加強消費者於香港購物網店購物的信⼼



We, PLS Online Store, are honoured to be officially recognized as a Quality E-Shop by the Hong Kong Retail Management Association (HKRMA). (Recognition number: 202401032) 


Quality E-Shop Recognition Scheme


The Quality e-Shop Recognition Scheme, introduced by Hong Kong Retail Management Association
(HKRMA) in 2017 provides a comprehensive and objective assessment covering the criteria in different
scopes for e-shops in Hong Kong.


  • To develop industry-wide standards and best practices for online retailing in Hong Kong
  • To give recognition to quality e-shops
  • To raise consumers’ confidence in Hong Kong’s e-shops


We will be committed to keep providing excellent service to build a reputable brand and enhance a secured shopping experience to our customers.